The process of Hawaii code approval begins at the State Building Code Council (SBCC). After amendments to model codes are approved by the council, the administrative rule path was used by the state to adopt. However, since 2017 the SBCC voted to to cease following the Administrative Rule process and after a code is adopted or amended it falls on the counties to then adopt as is or with county amendments. Hawai‘i counties shall adopt the Hawaii state building codes, or amended version, within two years. If a county does not amend/adopt within two years, the Hawaii state building codes become applicable as an interim county building code. The State of Hawai‘i adopted IECC 2015 on March 20, 2017, with a 10-day lead-in period, making the new energy code effective as of March 31, 2017. See HRS Section 107 for more details. Currently, each of the counties have adopted the 2015 IECC with specific county amendments, please see below for links to the State Energy Office website for more information.

Energy Codes Resources
- Commercial Key Change
- Residential Conditioned Key Changes
- Residential Tropical Key Changes
- Retail Compliance
- Online IECC 2015
- Hawai‘i Energy Code – Amendments to IECC 2015
- Da Braddah’s “The Cool Future of Home Design!”
Relevant Links:
Designer & Reviewer Checklists
The following checklists are designed to simplify energy code compliance for Commercial building Designers and simplify review for Code Official Plan Reviewers. IECC 2006 checklists are provided as reference, while the IECC 2015 is based on the national code. State amendments have been made and counties may further amend, so be sure to check with the State Energy Office for the latest amended versions of the energy code.
- 2006 IECC Commercial Designer Checklist
- 2006 IECC Commercial Reviewer Checklist
- 2015 IECC Commercial Designer Checklist
- 2015 IECC Commercial Reviewer Checklist
- Checklist 2015 IECC Commercial
- Checklist 2015 IECC Commercial HonoluluSupplement
- Checklist 2015 IECC Residential
- Checklist 2015 IECC Residential HonoluluSupplement
- PY14 Code Compliance Study Maui & Hawaii Counties
- PY15 Code Compliance Study, Hawaii, Honolulu, & Maui counties
- 2018 Code Compliance Study (DBEDT), Hawai‘I, Honolulu, Maui, Kaua‘i Islands
For Questions Contact:
Karen Shishido
Market Transformation Program Manager
(808) 848-8535