Information & Reports

This section includes the various docket attachments Hawaii Energy is required to provide on an annual basis as part of our contract with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, as well as other related documents critical to Hawaii Energy’s scope of work.

Hawaii Energy’s COVID-19 Recovery & Resilience Plan

We outline our plans to bring energy cost relief to residents and businesses in light of the pandemic and the subsequent drastic economic changes. This plan was submitted to the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission in August 2020.

Custom Project Guidance

The Custom Project Guidance Document supplements the Hawaii Energy Technical Reference Manual (TRM) and provides guidance on custom project documentation and energy savings estimation approaches.

Custom Project Guidance Reports

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification (EM&V) Reports

Each program year, an independent third-party conducts a comprehensive evaluation and verification of our program. Reports are below.

EM&V Verification Reports
EM&V Actvity Reports

State of Hawaii Energy Efficiency Potential Study 2020

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission contracted with Applied Energy Group to conduct an independent market study to assess the potential for future savings from energy efficiency (EE) programs and other interventions. The study evaluates progress towards the Hawaii Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard and provides hourly stacked impacts potential from EE, electric vehicles, demand response/grid services, and a time of use rate over the next 20 years.

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State of Hawaii Energy Efficiency Potential Study 2014

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) contracted with EnerNOC Utility Solutions to conduct an independent evaluation of energy efficiency (EE) market potential in the State of Hawaii from 2013–2030. This study assesses whether Hawaii is on track to meet the EEPS goals by 2030 and identifies the potential that can be achieved by contributing (pg. i, State of hawaii Energy Efficiency Potential Study, 2014)

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Legislative Resource Guide

Hawaii Energy is offering this resource guide to state legislators working on clean energy-related policies.

Hawaii Energy 2030 Strategic Roadmap

Empowering residents and businesses to make smart energy choices to reduce energy consumption, save money and pursue a 100% clean energy future.