Audits & Retro-Commissioning

Energy Audits & Energy Studies

Audits help you understand how energy is being used (and wasted) throughout your facility – the best first step in a “whole-building” approach to reducing your consumption and costs. Receive a rebate toward completing an ASHRAE Level 2 audit (the industry standard) or equivalent, plus a bonus for any conservation measures implemented as a result of the audit within the first two years of audit completion.

An energy study is typically performed after an audit, and is intended to provide a more detailed analysis of a focused mechanical system or piece of equipment, such as a chiller system. Receive a rebate toward completing an ASHRAE Level 3 study (the industry standard) or equivalent, plus a bonus for any conservation measures implemented within the first two years after the study is completed. NOTE: energy studies must be approved by Hawaii Energy before execution to qualify.

Re-Commissioning and Retro-Commissioning

For optimum efficiency and performance, Hawaii Energy recommends periodically evaluating your current building systems through re/retro-commissioning. Earn a rebate toward a portion of the commissioning study cost, plus an additional amount based on actual energy savings and peak demand reduction.