Commercial Kitchen
Replacing old cooking equipment such as refrigerators or ovens in your restaurant or business is an easy way to earn significant savings! Hawaii Energy offers instant rebates on many types of efficient models.
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Contact Us
Honolulu County

Walter Enomoto
Maui County
(808) 298-4269

Graceson Ghen
Hawaii County
(808) 895-6713
ENERGY STAR® Commercial Kitchen Equipment
Using ENERGY STAR® equipment in your restaurant will help you lower your operating costs, and we offer cash rebates for a variety of kitchen appliances.
For a full list of rebates, view our Restaurant Rebate Summary Sheet for more details. Please note that each appliance may need to meet specific guidelines to qualify for incentives.
Use the worksheets below to calculate your potential rebate amounts, and choose one of two ways to receive your rebate:
- INSTANT REBATE: A no-paperwork option! Buy your ENERGY STAR® Commercial Kitchen Equipment* from one of our approved distributors and receive an instant rebate at the point of purchase, eliminating paper applications and the need to wait for a rebate check. Find a Participating Commercial Kitchen Equipment Distributor *Applies only to products on Hawaii Energy’s standard (prescriptive) incentive list. Want to join our network of participating distributors? Contact us at
- PAPER APPLICATION: If you don’t purchase your equipment from an approved distributor (or you purchased online), you’ll need to fill out our rebate application and submit it to us.
Are you a restaurant, small business or nonprofit? You might be eligible for an EmPOWER Grant! Applications are now open for qualifying organizations on specific appliances.*
*Submitting a grant application does not guarantee being awarded a grant.
Kitchen Demand Ventilation Control
Kitchen ventilation exhaust hoods with demand controls on the ventilation motors use temperature and/or smoke sensing to adjust ventilation rates. This saves energy comparing with the traditional 100% on/off kitchen ventilation system, and you can get a $700 per horsepower incentive.