Industrial & Special Equipment


Present in nearly every commercial, industrial, and government building, transformers convert the high voltages used by electric utilities to lower voltages required by building equipment. They provide power and consume energy 24/7, but are generally out of sight in mechanical spaces and therefore often out-of-mind.

Replace your transformers before their expected end of life (about 32 years) to avoid unplanned failures and shutdowns. You could see up to 60% in energy savings by upgrading to a modern transformer – a beneficial return on investment!

The Benefits

High-efficiency transformers have many advantages over conventional ones:

  • They waste less energy as heat and noise, which helps reduce HVAC loads for any surrounding space.
  • Typical paybacks are much shorter versus TP-1 transformers.
  • Help earn LEED® certification points
  • Reduce your building’s carbon footprint – uses less fossil-fuel generated electricity.

How Do I Start?

Pick an approved CEA contractor. The contractor will:

Assess: Contractor will evaluate your existing transformers, then provide an estimate on how much energy you will save and the amount of rebate Hawai‘i Energy will provide.

Order: Once you approve the project, the contractor will order the correct energy-efficient transformer that will suit your needs. At this time, a rebate application and rebate worksheet must be submitted for approval. Your contractor can assist with these forms.

Install: Your new transformer will be installed at your convenience.


  • New transformer must meet or exceed DOE 2016 efficiency standards.
  • Existing transformer must be manufactured/installed prior to 2007.
  • Transformers installed after 2007 may still qualify on a case-by-case basis. Contact Hawai`i Energy to discuss.
  • Replacement of transformers 1000 kVA and above may qualify under the Custom Incentive Program.
  • Commercial applications only
  • Except in the case of new construction, the new transformer must serve the same load as the
    pre-existing transformer.


Call Dan at (808) 848-8542 or

Don’t see your project idea listed here below? If it saves energy and can be measured, it could qualify for Custom Rebates. Contact us at to discuss your project in further detail.

Want to become a Clean Energy Ally Contractor?

If you offer transformer installations, join our Clean Energy Ally network and get qualified to offer rebates like this one to your customers. For more information or to sign up, contact