
Submetering involves measuring energy usage beyond the primary utility meter. With a submeter, one can monitor energy usage for individual tenants, departments, pieces of equipment or other loads.

Without submetering, a landlord or property manager will typically subdivide the total cost of electricity for the entire facility and pass that onto tenants. As a result, tenants are not billed based on how much electricity they use, which often leads to paying disproportionate amounts. By submetering, each tenant can be billed only for the energy they use. By holding tenants responsible for their personal consumption, data shows they are more likely to reduce their electricity usage and thus, the building’s overall consumption.

Why should you consider submetering*?

  • Post-submetering electricity reduction can range from 3% – 25%, depending on the property and behavioral changes of the residents.
  • Equity in allocation of electricity costs by resident/tenant – eliminating excessive usage while rewarding those who are energy-conscious
  • Accurate and effortless tenant billing
  • Identification of unnecessary equipment running at night, off shift, or during the weekend
  • Better management of electricity usage
  • Ability to record actual energy usage (no estimates)
  • Detection of utility bill errors by comparing submeter usage with the actual utility bill
*New construction projects are not eligible, building must be occupied and have one year’s worth of billing to be eligible.

Rebates Make Submetering Affordable

Take advantage of our attractive $150 per unit rebate (up to 50% of the total project cost) for submeters used for billing. Costs will vary based upon the unique conditions at your property, but typically range from $350 to $550 per unit. Some companies provide monthly billing services at a fee. To get started:

  1. Identify a contractor or contractors that you would like to receive a bid from. We recommend one of our Clean Energy Allies that perform submetering:
  2. Review our Rebate Application and follow the recommended best practices for submetering Rules & Requirements
  3. Obtain bids to determine the overall cost of the project (including monthly fees or maintenance) and select your contractor. Ensure any contractors who prepare bids follow the requirements for submetering rebates from Hawaii Energy
  4. Submit application and necessary information to Hawaii Energy prior to the start of the project.
  5. After approval from Hawaii Energy, you can begin your project