Appliance Recycling Program

Old appliances not only drain a lot of energy, but often contain components that are harmful if not taken care of. Earn cash for recycling your appliance with Hawaii Energy (that’s right – we pay YOU!), and free haul-away service is also included. We’ll make sure your appliances are properly recycled and that you continue to see a lower electric bill for years to come.

Current Offers



Turn in an old working refrigerator or freezer to our Rid-A-Fridge recycling program and you’ll receive $75 for each one. No purchase or trade-in necessary.

Refrigerator Trade-Up Rebate


Need a new fridge? You can get a $250 rebate towards a new qualifying ENERGY STAR® model when you turn in an old working refrigerator or freezer for recycling to the participating retailer.

Community Refrigerator Trade-Up Program


In our efforts to assist communities in need, we offer deep discounts and free delivery of new ENERGY STAR® fridges and freezers upon trade-in of old working models. Haul-away of the old unit is also provided, we make sure they are recycled properly. Check out the current communities being serviced listed under our “For Homes” menu on our web page.

Facts & Stats

More than 60 million refrigerators and freezers in the U.S. are over 10 years old, costing consumers $4.4 billion a year in energy costs

That second older refrigerator can cost $1,000 per year to run depending on size and age!

Getting rid of inefficient appliances has environmental benefits too, recycling one fridge/freezer can prevent up to 10,000 pounds of carbon pollution from being released.**
