Apartment, Condo, & Multifamily Buildings
There are numerous opportunities for substantial energy savings at condominium and apartment complexes throughout the state. Energy costs add up quickly for AOAOs, as they have high energy usage and Hawaii’s energy costs are three times the national average. While energy efficiency projects have an upfront cost, we have a number of financial incentives available to you, to give you money back for completing clean energy projects.
Top 4 Most Common Projects
For more information on available rebates for each of these technologies, please click below:
Featured Story

Nauru Tower
Completed an energy savings performance contract valued at $4.6 million, which aims to reduce its common area energy use by up to 40 percent
Energy Champions
- Waikiki Banyan
Lighting & Custom Lighting Retrofit
Annual Bill Savings: $45,624 - Royal Kuhio
Annual Bill Savings: $45,744 - Makiki Holiday
Booster Pump
Annual Bill Savings: $2,842
Hawaii Energy Rebates: Click here to find ways you can save you money and boost your bottom line.
DIY Energy Audits:
- ENERGY STAR “Treasure Hunt”
Energy Audit – General resources - ENERGY STAR “Treasure Hunt” for
Multifamily properties
Learn about Energy Codes:
- Information on the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)